Date of Birth: 1954/1/13
Place of Birth: Johannesburg, South Africa
Mini Biography:
Rabin had taken piano lessons since he was a toddler. He began playing guitar at the age of 12, and formed his first band in 1968 when he was 14. He played both guitar and bass in the entertainment unit. He began doing session work after his discharge from the military in 1972. It was also that same year that he hooked up with a group of musicians who began recording as Rabbit. That group recorded a total of two albums over the next few years. By 1978, he had left the group and began releasing solo albums. By 1981, he had released three solo albums and attracted the attention of Chris Squire, who was fresh out of the recently broken-up progressive art/rock group Yes. Squire contacted Rabin about joining a new group he was assembling called Cinema. At that point, Cinema was Squire and Yes drummer Alan White. During the work on their debut album (with original Yes keyboardist Tony Kaye having been added to the lineup), Jon Anderson became involved in the project. After his vocals were added to the music, the group decided that this was really Yes and they made that name change. The resulting album "90125" became the biggest hit the group has ever had, and the single "Owner of a Lonely Heart" catapulted them onto MTV. Rabin stayed with Yes until 1995, releasing four studio albums during that time ("90125", "Big Generator", "Union", and "Talk"). He also found time to release another solo album "Can't Look Away" while still in the group. Since 1995, he has been using the majority of his musical talents on movie soundtracks. He has composed the music for "Armageddon", "Enemy of the State", "Remember the Titans", "Bad boys 2", "Gone in 60 seconds", "Con Air", "Deep Blue Sea", "The Banger Sisters", "Kangaroo Jack" and many others. He also put in a guest appearance on Rick Wakeman's "Return to the Centre of the Earth" album.
Official website of Trevor Rabin:
作曲:トレヴァー・ラビン 演奏:ハリウッド・スタジオ交響楽団 (米Walt Disney / 62493-2) |
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音楽は1980年代から90年代前半にかけてプログレッシブ・ロック・グループ“イエス”のギタリストだったトレヴァー・ラビン。1996年以降ジェリー・ブラッカイマーがプロデュースする大作映画のスコアを中心に手がけている。この「ナショナル・トレジャー」では、冒頭の「National Treasure Suite」から、シンセサイザーとオーケストラの組み合わせによるサスペンスフルなアクション・スコアを展開。「Ben」は主人公ベン・ゲイツのヒロイックでストイックなタッチの主題。「Library of Congress」「Preparation Montage」等はサスペンス調。「Finding Charlotte」「Arrival at National Archives」「The Chase」「Foot Chase」等は緊張感のある激しいアクション音楽。「Declaration of Independence」は荘厳なタッチ。「Spectacle Discovery」「Interrogation」でもヒロイックな主題が顔を出す。「Treasure」はジェントルなタッチから壮大に締めくくる。ブラッカイマー製作のアクション大作にありがちな騒々しいロック+オーケストラのアクション・スコアの印象は否めないが、ラビンは過去の「タイタンズを忘れない」等ではドラマティックでエモーショナルなアンダースコアも手がけており、今後の活躍にも期待される。
of a Snowman」(1982)「グリマーマン(The Glimmer Man)」(1996)「コン・エアー(Con Air)」(1997)「(未公開/TV)Soldier
of Fortune, Inc.」(1997)「アルマゲドン(Armageddon)」(1998)「エネミー・オブ・アメリカ(Enemy of the
State)」(1998)「(未公開)ジャック・フロスト(Jack Frost)」(1998)「ディープ・ブルー(Deep Blue
Sea)」(1999)「(TV)子象物語(Whispers: An Elephant's Tale)」(2000)「60セカンズ(Gone in Sixty
Seconds)」(2000)「タイタンズを忘れない(Remember the Titans)」(2000)「シックス・デイ(The 6th
Day)」(2000)「テキサス・レンジャーズ(Texas Rangers)」(2001)「アメリカン・アウトロー(American
Outlaws)」(2001)「ロック・スター(Rock Star)」(2001)「ザ・ワン(The One)」(2001)「9デイズ(Bad
Company)」(2002)「バンガー・シスターズ(The Banger Sisters)」(2002)「(未公開)About
Face」(2002)「カンガルー・ジャック(Kangaroo Jack)」(2003)「バッドボーイズ2バッド(Bad Boys
II)」(2003)「トルク(Torque)」(2004)「エクソシスト ビギニング(Exorcist: The
Beginning)」(2004)「ナショナル・トレジャー(National Treasure)」(2004)「(未公開)Mr. Ripley's
Return」(2004)「(未公開)The Great Raid」(2005)等がある。
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