  Mario Millo

Date of Birth: 1955/5
Place of Birth: Sydney, Australia
Mini Biography:
Millo's music career began at the age of 5 when his father taught him to play the mandolin. By 9, he had begun performing in various Sydney night-clubs and was fast becoming an accomplished guitar player. In 1967, at 12 years of age, he formed his first band, wrote his first song and two years later his second band "The Clik" were the winners of a major "battle of the bands" launching the group into mainstream live venues and their first record release. He joined Sydney band "Sebastian Hardie" and released, in 1975, their debut album "Four Moments" which achieved gold status. He co-composed and performed his first film score for the TV series "Against the Wind" in 1978 (One of the largest selling Australian Soundtracks of the time, with sales of over half a million units world-wide). In 1987, he won the Australian Film Institute (AFI) Award for for his music to "The Lighthorsemen" and in 1991, he won an ARIA Award and APRA Awards for his score to "Brides of Christ".

Offical Website of Mario Millo:http://www.mariomillo.com/



Composed by MARIO MILLO


Performed by Pro Musica, Sydney

(豪ABC / 12092)


音楽はオーストラリアのベテラン作曲家マリオ・ミロが担当している。「Changi - Opening Titles」は、力強く情感豊かなオーケストラによるメインタイトル。「Dave and Kate」は繊細で美しい主題。「Arriving at Changi」は、ミロの傑作「砂漠の勇者」を思い出させる躍動的でダイナミックな音楽。「Bill and Betty」もジェントルで美しい。「Shindo's Theme」は激しくドラマティック。「Vi Romances Curly」は明るく牧歌的。「Nakamura's Dream」も力強いドラマティックスコア。「Nakamura Arrives at Changi」「Rowdy's Goodbye」「Soldier of the Emperor」「The Last Night」等は暴力的で激しく、パワフル。「Changi - Closing Titles」はフルオーケストラによるメインの主題でドラマティックに全体を締めくくる。日本兵が登場するシーンを描写した曲が多いが、日本的・アジア的なトーンはスコアには全くない。「Danny Boy」「Over the Rainbow」といったノスタルジックな雰囲気の当時の流行歌が所々に挿入されるが、スコア全体のトーンがシリアスなものなので、気が散る感じでちょっと鬱陶しい。全45曲で72:27収録。

マリオ・ミロが手がけたその他の作品には「(未公開/TV)Against the Wind」(1978)「(未公開/TV)A Fortunate Life」(1985)「砂漠の勇者(The Lighthorsemen)」(1987)「シェイム/告発の街(Shame)」(1987)「(未公開/TV)Always Afternoon」(1988)「(未公開)Minnamurra」(1989)「(未公開/TV)Brides of Christ」(1991)「(未公開/TV)Singapore Sling」(1993)「(未公開/TV)Joh's Jury」(1993)「(未公開/TV)Natural Justice」(1995)「ポーズ! おしゃべりパソコン犬危機一髪!(Paws)」(1997)「(未公開/TV)See How They Run」(1999)「(未公開/TV)Heroes' Mountain」(2002)等がある。

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