Date of Birth: 1939/2/5
Place of Birth: Cleckheaton, Yorkshire, England, UK
Date of Death: 2008/12/3
Mini Biography:
Wadsworth was a musical child and he specialised in the trombone, playing in both the Spenborough and the Brighouse and Rastrick brass bands. He moved to London in 1960, intent on playing jazz, and worked with the musician Teddy Foster for a time before joining Ronnie Aldrich and the Squadronaires, often playing at Butlins holiday camps. A leap forward came in 1963, when Dusty Springfield left the folk-based group the Springfields, with the aim of establishing herself as a British soul singer. Her producer supplemented a beat group called the Echoes with strings and a brass section, which included Wadsworth. The resulting recording, "I Only Want To Be With You", duplicated the Tamla-Motown sound and was a Top 10 hit. He was Springfield's musical director on many tour dates, and he also worked with Georgie Fame, appearing on his album "Two Faces of Fame"(1967). Wadsworth entered the psychedelic world by playing on the Rolling Stones' album "Their Satanic Majesties Request"(1967). He contributed to sessions with Billy Preston and Doris Troy for the Beatles' Apple label, and was part of the orchestral arrangements for George Harrison's No 1 album "All Things Must Pass"(1970). He became the musical director for the hippie musical "Hair", which opened in the West End in September 1968. It ran highly successfully, until the theatre's roof collapsed in 1973. He undertook many sessions during the day, working in jazz with Neil Ardley (Le Dejeuner Sur L'Herbe, 1969), jazz-rock with Colosseum (Daughter of Time, 1970) and blues with Savoy Brown (Blue Matter, 1968), as well as playing on many pop and rock recordings. He worked with Manfred Mann and they combined their talents in 1971 for the score of a sex film, "Swedish Fly Girls". He arranged Alan Price's music for the films "Alfie Darling"(1975) and "Britannia Hospital"(1982) and orchestrated Price's autobiographical album, "Between Today and Yesterday"(1974), which contained the hit single "Jarrow Song". In 1975, Gerry Anderson, the director and producer of "Thunderbirds", created "Space:1999", a science-fiction TV series in which nuclear waste is stored, with disastrous consequences, on the moon. Wadsworth wrote and arranged the music for the second series, in 1976. He also enjoyed the challenge of 30-second commercials and his work included the first television commercial for Cadbury's Flake. For another advert, he had to conduct a symphony orchestra while the camera highlighted a musician in pain. As Mozart's music swelled, the musician realised that he should have taken Imodium Plus for his diarrhoea. He continued working on studio sessions and he played with Nina Simone, Tony Bennett and Simply Red. Using the pseudonym Daniel Caine, he released several albums of TV theme music, and in the early 1990s, he encouraged the Coronation Street actor Bill Tarmey to forge a successful singing career. In 1997 he conducted the Czech Symphony Orchestra for incidental music in a documentary about Woody Allen, "Wild Man Blues". He was interested in musicians' rights, and in recent times he campaigned on behalf of the PPL (Phonographic Performance Ltd) for the extension of the copyright on recorded works, which is currently 50 years, meaning that many expire during a musician's lifetime. He wanted parity with songwriters and composers and was dismayed that the Government was choosing "to kick us in the teeth".
Official Site of Derek Wadsworth:
(TV)スペース1999 第2シーズン SPACE: 1999 YEAR TWO
Composed and Conducted by DEREK WADSWORTH
(英Silva Screen / SILCD1223)
= 2021年11月追加 =
Screen SILCD 1641)。
出演はジョン・コーニッグ司令官役がマーティン・ランドー(日本でのTV放映時の吹替は瑳川哲朗)、ヘレナ・ラッセル博士役が当時ランドーの妻だった(1993年に離婚)バーバラ・ベイン(此島愛子)、ヴィクター・バーグマン教授役がバリー・モース(千葉耕市)、アラン・カーター役がニック・テイト(金内吉男)、サンドラ・ベネス役がジーニア・マートン(種谷アツ子)、ポール・モロー役がプレンティス・ハンコック(若本紀昭)、ドクター・ボブ・マシアス役がアントン・フィリップス(小出和明)、タニア・アレクサンドリア役がスザンヌ・ロークエット(三枝みち子)。第2シーズンからは異星人マヤ役のカテリーヌ・シェル(弥永和子)、トニー・ベルデッシ役のトニー・アンホルト(森 功至)、デビッド・カノ役のクリフトン・ジョーンズ(黒部 鉄)他が参加。ゲスト出演として、ピーター・クッシング、クリストファー・リー、ジョーン・コリンズ、リチャード・ジョンソン、イアン・マクシェーン、ジュリアン・グローヴァー、ジェレミー・ケンプ、レオ・マッカーン、ジュディ・ギーソン、マーガレット・レイトン、ヴァレリー・レオン、バリー・ストークス、バーバラ・ケラーマン、ダグラス・ウィルマー、フレディー・ジョーンズ、ジェフリー・ベイルドン、ステュアート・ウィルソン、サラ・ダグラス、デヴィッド・プラウズ、ヒルデガード・ニール他、当時のイギリスのSF・ホラー系俳優が各エピソードに登場。製作は第1シーズン(1975〜1976)がジェリー&シルヴィア・アンダーソン、第2シーズン(1976〜1977)がジェリー・アンダーソンとフレッド・フライバーガー(第1シーズン終了後にジェリーとシルヴィアは離婚した)。撮影はブレンダン・J・スタッフォードとフランク・ワッツ。
Metamorph)」「惑星ゴロスの反逆者(The Exiles)」「宇宙アンドロイドの誘惑(One Moment of
Humanity)」「超宇宙からの来訪者(The Taybor)」「四次元空間の恐怖(Space Warp)」の各エピソードからのスコアが収録されているが、オリジナルの音楽が作曲されたエピソードはこれで全て。冒頭の「Main
Metamorph - Rendezvous in Space」「The Metamorph - Escape from Psychon」「The Taybor
- The Abduction of Maya」「Space Warp - Light Years Away」「Space Warp - Showdown at
Copernicus」や、アップビートでポップな曲「The Exiles - The Exiles Emerge」「The Exiles -
Make Me a Pretty Nose」「The Taybor - Alpha Ahoy!」「The Taybor - Sore Loser」、ジェントルな曲「The
Metamorph - We're All Aliens」「One Moment of Humanity - Garden of Vega」、クールなジャズ「One
Moment of Humanity - Seduction」、サスペンス音楽「The Exiles - A Swarm of Space
Bees」「The Exiles - Return to Golos」「Space Warp - Space Animal on the Loose」等とカラフルに展開する。ラストの「End
「(未公開/TV)NBC Special Treat - Into Infinity」(1975)
「(未公開)A Child Is a Wild
「(TV)スペース1999 第2シーズン(Space: 1999)」(1976〜1978)
「(未公開/TV)Destination Moonbase-Alpha」(1978)
「(未公開/TV)Cosmic Princess」(1982)
「(未公開)Seven Wonders of the World: Miriam Rothschild」(1995)
「(未公開)Do Vampire
Bats Have Friends?」(1997)
aka Swedish Fly Girls」(1971)や、アラン・プライス作曲の「(未公開)アルフィー・ダーリング(Alfie
Darling)」(1975)「(未公開)ブリタニア・ホスピタル(Britannia Hospital)」(1982)「八月の鯨(The Whales of
Man Blues)」(1997)等のスコアの編曲・指揮も手がけている。
1. Main Theme
The Metamorph
2. Strange Light
3. Rendezvous in Space
4. Escape from Psychon
5. We're All Aliens
The Exiles
6. A Swarm of Space Bees
7. The First Capsule
8. The Exiles Emerge
9. Return to Golos
10. Make Me a Pretty Nose
One Moment of Humanity
11. Garden of Vega
12. The Strongest Passion
13. Seduction
The Taybor
14. Alpha Ahoy!
15. The Emporium
16. The Abduction of Maya
17. Sore Loser
Space Warp
18. Light Years Away
19. Space Animal on the Loose
20. Showdown at Copernicus
21. End Titles
Promotional CD / DWCD 001 (1996)
1. Main Titles (0:56)
2-7. Suite from THE METAMORPH (13:24)
8. Alternate Theme One (0:54)
9-13. Suite from THE EXILES (19:11)
14. Alternate Theme Two (0:55)
15-17. Suite from ONE MOMENT OF HUMANITY (15:32)
18. Alternate Theme Three (0:54)
19-23. Suite from SPACE WARP (16:08)
24. End Titles (0:42)
Fanderson Records / FANSP8 (2000)
Space:1999 Theme
Year Two Main Theme
Year Two Main Theme (Mono TV Version)
Year Two Main Theme (Alternate Version)*
Year Two Alternative Main Theme*
Year Two End Titles
Year Two End Titles (Original Version)*
Year Two End Titles (Alternate Version)*
Year Two Alternative End Titles*
Year One Commercial Break Sting 1
Year One Commercial Break Sting 2
The Metamorph
Strange Light
Rendezvous in Space
Welcome to Psychon
Directive Four
The Death of Psychon
We're All Aliens
We're All Aliens (Extended Version)
The Exiles
A Swarm of Space Bees
The First Capsule
The Exiles
A Kiss from Helena/The Power Room
Make Me a Pretty Nose
One Moment of Humanity
Alone on Alpha
The Strongest Passion
A New Desdemona
One Moment of Humanity
The Taybor
Alpha Ahoy!
The Emporium
Fair Trade
Transaction Complete*
Sore Loser
Pop Source*
The Rules of Luton
Memories of Psychon (composed for One Moment of Humanity)
New Adam New Eve (Composed by Robert
How Beautiful is the Night (Marlowlynn Recorded Music Library)
Space Warp
What's Happened to Alpha?
Light Years Away
Space Animal on the Loose*
Message from the Dead
Showdown at Copernicus
Perfectly Relaxed
The Bringers of Wonder
Kill Koenig! (composed for Space Warp)
* includes material recorded for the series but unused in the final edit
Total Running Time: 2hrs 33mins 4secs
Copyright (C) 2009 - 2021 Hitoshi Sakagami. All Rights Reserved.